
Plug-in Articles

In entering/modification plug-in phase, you can profile a box of the list articles by clicking on Articles Tab (Fig 1).

Fig. 1: Plug-in Articles

The first two CHECKS (Articles Box Activation and Products Box Activation) allows you to extrapolate articles from section achive or from e-commerce (that will be active only if the e-commerce module has been enabled).

Thanks to filter fields (FilterTramite il campi di filtro invece (Filter by articles sections or Filter by e-commerce sections) is possible to extrapolate lists composed by one or more sections. If fields are not compiled, the plucg-in won't apply any filter.

Through to the two whole fields , Index and Total articles is possible to define the starting index for items paginations and the number of items per page, as shown in the following example: 

Assume that the applied filters a list as the following one (the first field indicates the item intex):

0  |  Article Test 1
1  |  Article Test 6 
2  |  Article Test 7
3  |  Article Test 9
4  |  Article Test 2
5  |  Article Test 4
6  |  Article Test 3
7  |  Article Test 5 

If you specify as Initial Index the value 3 and as Total articles the value 4, the article shown could be the following:

3  |  Article Test 9
4  |  Article Test 2
5  |  Article Test 4
6  |  Article Test 3


Fig. 2: Plug-in Articles: Fields Layout

The last fields (Fig 2) allows you to paginate the articles:

  • Per page columns: allows you to define how many columns to arrange the items.
  • Order of items lists: allows you to define the order of the articles display.
  • Typology of items list : allows you to define the layout of the single element in the list.
  • Automatic thumbnail typology: allows you to choose the format of the thumbnail image.
  • Automatic thumbnail size: a whole field that allows you to define the pixel size of the thumbnails.

The last CHECK, Articles with the active check home, allows you to filter on the articles list considering those items whose Hompage CHECK is ON.

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