
Entering/Editing Form

The interface for entering and editing forms is identical.
To add a new form, click on New Forms on the navigation menu.
The interface (Fig. 1) is presented as a list of text fields where the red color highlights the obligation.
In the first part there are the following generic fields:
  • Maximum number of fields: you can specify the maximum number of required fields on the form.
  • Target email: it's the mailbox on which you will receive a copy of the requests submitted by the website.
  • Description form: description of the form data that appears as introduction on the front end of the website.
  • Automatic answer: text of the email that is sent to the user for confirmation. 
  • The e-mail response will be sent only if there is a field labeled "Email" in the form.
  • Send form button: wording associated to the send button.
  • Verification code: it allows you to enable a verification code that the user must copy being sent. Useful if the page that hosts the form is the target of malawear spiders or bots.

Fig. 1: Example of entering card form.

In addition to the generic fields is also possible to specify all the fields that are in the form of send data.

For each field you can define: 
  • Field name: wording associated to the requested field.
  • Tipology:
    • Title: it is a simple description field. The value in the Field name displays the title and the description in the Initial value is displayed as a subtitle.
    • String text : it's an input field foe alphanumeric string . In the selwitch there are different lengths related to the number of characters.
    • Free text: it is an input text field that allows you to use multiple lines of text.
    • CheckBox: it is a field check. it can be initialized with the values ​​yes or no.
    • Yes/No: it is a field consisting of two check YES/NO. It can be initialized with the yes or no values.
    • Select: it is a field selector. The values ​​in the field can be input in the Initial value with a semicolon as a separator.
  • Initial value: it's the value initially displayed in the requested field.
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