
Entering/Editing Documents

The interface for entering and editing Documents are identical.
To add a new document click on New Document on the navigation menù. 
The interface (Fig. 1) is presented as a list of fields text where the red color highlights the obligation. Each data form presents at the top a series of tabs that let you to interact with a different group of fields data.

Fig. 1: Example for entering Document

Nello specifico la scheda documento è composta dai seguenti campi:
  • Directory: it allows you to select the membership's directory. 
  • Date: it allows you to assign date to the document. The field is very useful when sorting by ascending or descending date.
  • Title: the document's title
  • File: the real file that first must be loaded on the system through the File Manager.
  • Description: eventual document's description.
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